Paravisi Multimedia - Photography, Videography, Video Camera, Web Design

Monday, January 10, 2011

How to Operate Jimmyjib

Jimmyjib is a buffer crane or a video camera that works to help the mobility of the camera directionally in a limited radius. Jimmyjib is usually a length of between 6 m to 12 meters. It is not easy to operate Jimmyjib. It needs to practice patienly to obtain movement, anggel, and good composition. The main difficulty is to keep the operation of Jimmyjib in a good composition remain in a state of constantly moving camera . Here are some tips that might help:
  1. Jimmyjib Operators should always maintain excellent fitness because it requires endurance, especially in standing operating posisition
  2. During reccording cameras it must always move. The beauty of the picture with jimmyjib is camera movement. So do not stop the movement.
  3. Get used to combine movement with the camera to the side opposite paning camera movement. Suppose the camera moves to the right combine with paning to the left, and vice versa.
  4.  Combine vertical camera movement with the opposite tilt. Thus, the camera movement to the upper combine with tiltdown and vice versa.
  5. If you want to get the effect of flying into the future steadily, upward camera movement combine with zoom ins. Conversely, if you want to get the effect of flying backwards, combine the camera downward movement by zooming out.
Try the five basic tips of this before reading further on the next post. Good luck, dedicated to your profession.    

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