Paravisi Multimedia - Photography, Videography, Video Camera, Web Design

Monday, January 10, 2011

Television Not Only a Receiver and Transmitter

Time to realize that TV is not only a transmitter and a television set.
Popularization of "Keong Racun" song by two girls in Bandung via Youtube, make us to think that technology audio-visual dissemination of data remotely has been running very fast, even leaving some audience mindset or audio visal own personality.
Since found CCD (Charged Coupled Device) by Boild in the 60's and merged with computer technology, has distanced audiovisual from the physical chemistry phenomenon. Some of us still think that the audiovisual is something that moves like ordinary objects. The largest film distributors like Twentyone were uprooted because belatedly to realized that its time  where the film can move from one computer to another, from a gadget to another one, from one world into another world. And The audience was accustomed to say "Give me a movie please"

Consumers of information technology (IT) do not realize that most of our lives have been encroached by IT. We forget that IT has erase our memory of stamps, chalk, typewriter, and even our privacy space. We even forget that the CNN online  TV is a TV broadcast system.
Especially in the field of audio or visual recording, even too fast IT development than the development of production and perpetrator behavior production object. Look how we are accustomed to silence froze when photographed, when digital camera technology has been very capable of capturing the movement as still images.Photographers are still accustomed gestured one, two, three, before the shoot.
This is a time when film and television personality adjust mindset and behavior of the rate of IT. When the internet channel the more loose, when the video can be enjoyed via the HP, it is necessary deconstruction of thinking or behavior in the back or front of the camera. Designers, production executive, and the cast an audio-visual products need to adjust. Limitations of the Internet channel, streaming, mobile screen, etc., do not allow waste of duration, reducing the expression face, requires the selection of sizes and types of fonts, etc., is a necessity that must be accepted.
So, very naive if we still think that television is a big studio with a powerful transmitter. We must to think that television is essentially a visual audio information dissemination, to adjust to the facilities available a channels.
Opportunities, challenges, or obstacles of this phenomenon? Let's see.

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